Sunday 25 August 2013

Blogger: An error occured while trying to save or publish your post. please try again later

When you save or the blogger initiatea auto save, if the "An error occured while trying to save or publish your post. please try again later" appears, it means you are copy paste words or pictures from other places that will create unnecessary html codes and the Blogger does not recognise it and gives the error message.

1. For text, the solution is paste the text in Notepad and copy it back to to blog.

2.For picture, download the picture to computer and upload it back. Or simply a line of HTML code will do.

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Ubuntu in Virtual Box The system is running in low-graphics mode

After I have installed the Ubuntu 12.04 in Virtual Box, I start booting it and it give this error:

The system is running in low-graphics mode

Your screen, graphics cards, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself.

I tried many solutions found in the internet, none of them work until I found the best and simplest solution.  I strongly recommend those encountered this problem to try on this solution first.

The solution:

When the message that "your system is running in low-graphics mode" appears press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to enter the terminal. Then login with your credentials, and then run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get upgrade

It will take sometimes to finish depending on your Internet and machine speed. Shutdown or restart the machine and you will be able to boot into Ubuntu now: -)

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Thursday 22 August 2013

Enable PAE in Virtual Box

On my second attempt to install Virtual Box Ubuntu on my old laptop with Windows XP as a host, I encountered this error on booting:

1. This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:
Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.

2. Solution: Shut down the machine. Go to Ubuntu settings, select "System"on left column, select "Processor" tab on the right, check Enable PAE/NX.

Click  ok. Solved. The Ubuntu can boot bow.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Revert to the normal blue underlined hyperlink

Revert to the normal blue underlined hyperlink to formatted hyperlink text and vice verse.

This morning, my Word 2003 changed the normal blue underlined hyperlink to formatted text start with {HYPERLINK}. The text formatting and hyperlinks show as normal in Read View. After a short Google search, I found the solution by turning off the Field Codes, see below:

To turn on or off Field codes, you can do one of two things:

1. Alt+F9 (this turns them on and turns them back off when hit again)
2. Tools>Options>View tab. Check Field Codes. as shown in the pictures below: