Thursday 2 June 2016


Pause Click plugin for VLC

This plugin allows you to pause/play a video by clicking on the video image.

Supported versions of VLC

Tested to work on VLC 2.2.0 and 3.0.0, so supposedly should work on 2.2.x and 3.0.x versions.


  1. Restart VLC to load the newly added plugin
  2. Go into advanced preferences: Tools -> Preferences -> Show settings -> All
  3. Enable/Disable the plugin with a checkbox: (in advanced preferences) Video -> Filters -> Pause/Play video on mouse click
  4. Enable/Disable the plugin with a checkbox: (in advanced preferences) Interface -> Control Interfaces -> Pause/Play video on mouse click
  5. Change mouse button to the one you want: (in advanced preferences) Video -> Filters -> Pause click -> Mouse Button
  6. Restart VLC for settings to take place
  7. Play a video
  8. Click on video picture to pause/play the video

Thursday 5 May 2016

ClickMonitorDDC - Tune Brigtness & Contrast of Monitor - Free Portable

Modify the brightness and contrast of your DDC-compatible monitor using this reliable application that sits quietly in the system tray

Sunday 17 April 2016

打字声音 qwertick


Sunday 14 February 2016

Bulk Web page Word Count checker (online) - SEO Review ...

Online word count bulk tool. Use the word count tool to check the number of words used inside the body of a web page. Submit multiple URLs. Maximum 10 urls with daily limit.

Find and create a list of all the urls of a particular website

Find and create a list of all the urls of a particular website

When looking for URLs, the XML sitemap should, ideally, be the place to find the most up to date version of all URLs for your website. After all, it is the place you are asking the search engines to look to help improve your visibility.

Luckily, with an XML file you can open it straight into Excel, so do that now. You will need to do some formatting to remove the unnecessary tags that accompany the XML sitemap, but once you’ve done this it will leave you with a list of URLs.

A bunch of the online sitemap generator tools either ask for your email or have a maximum number of pages that they index.

This site works well:

Summary of the features
- Generates sitemap.xml files online - FREE.
- Unlimited number of pages*.
- Additional parameters, XML sitemap validator.
- Reports broken links - completely free!
- Handles correctly Cookies, page redirects, VML.
* free version has a dynamic page limit that changes frequently based on actual server load. Our current free limit is 4200 page

I just ran it for a site with 4451 pages.

After it’s finished, you have two options for grabbing the data. Either you can copy and paste from the readout or download the file provided.
Once you’ve pasted the data into excel, use the find/replace function to eliminate all the data you don’t need.

Source: Compiled from Internet