Sunday 23 March 2014

Change the default size of ALL your uploaded blogger post photos

Change the default size of ALL your uploaded blogger post photos

To make every single photo is exactly the same width. Looks well aligned and neat. Just copy this code. No more worry about photos coming up too small or too big.

Go to Template > Customise > Advanced > Add CSS

Paste in the following code:

.post-body img {
width: 608px;
height: auto;
.post img {
width: 608px;

height: auto;

Adjust the photo/image size to your desired width.

Go preview to see and if you are happy with the size, click Apply to Blog.

This code will change the size of all of your photos/images including any photos/images from previous posts.
2011-08-05 22-07-58-sky
2011-08-05 22-07-58-sky (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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