Friday 21 March 2014

Invite All Friends on Facebook Fan Page or Event

Code to Invite All Friends on Facebook Fan Page or Event

We all know inviting all friends is one of the best ways to increase fans of a Facebook fan page or members of an event. However, if your Facebook friends list have a large number of people, then it is difficult to invite everyone individually. Luckily there is one JavaScript code to invite all friends to an event or fan page. This JavaScript works on Firefox, Google Chrome and IE.. The trick was originally shared by a user in a popular SEO forum. I thought it would be a great idea to share it with all since it is working till now.

Here is the simple steps on how to invite everyone to an event or page on Facebook:
Follow the following Steps to invite all friends to Facebook Event or Page –

1. Click on invite friends button on Your Page or event. Select search all friends from the drop down menu. You can find the drop down menu on the top left side next to the search friends box.

2. Scroll down to the last friend.

3. Copy the below code depending on your choice.

Copy code below to invite all friends to a Facebook Event

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()}

Copy code below to invite all friends on Facebook Fanpage -
javascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); 
 for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { 

4. Now follow the steps below depending on the browser you are currently using –

For Firefox –

- Open the Firefox console by Pressing CTRL + Shift + K

- Paste the already copied Java Code into the box appearing below of the console and press Enter

- This will start inviting all of your friends. For a huge friend list it may take some time to invite all of your friends and your browser may not respond for sometimes. Do not panic and wait for the code to do the magic.

For Google Chrome –

- Press F12 on your keyboard. A white box will appear at the below of the page. Press the console tab in the box

- Paste your already copied code at the below of the console box and press Enter

- This will take some time to finish inviting all of your friends. If you have a huge number of friends, your browser may not respond for few minutes. Wait for the code to finish the job.

For Internet Explorer –

For internet explorer kindly follow the steps of Google chrome. All steps are identical.

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