Friday 12 June 2015

Reaver hack WPA solve: failed to associated error solve: switching channel error

Terminal will be empty. Now we'll start our main tutorial. Enter in Terminal:
airmon-ng start wlan0
The wlan0 refers to your WiFi device. If you have one, you will enter wlano. However if you have one external and want to use that for hacking then simply enter wlan1. The following screen will appear:

  Did you notice I highlighted the mon0. This you have to keep in mind. Now  enter,
airodump-ng mon0
Replace mon0 with your's. However, in most cases it's the same. The following windows will appear.
Now we'll understand the windows:
BSSID: Simply, it shows the address of the WiFi network.
Beacons: In this tutorial, we need a lot more beacons. Make sure during hacking you are sitting close to your router. The more rate of increasing beacons the better.
ENC: Encryption of WiFi network. For the purpose of this tutorial, only WPA/WPA2 would work. WEP will not!
Select your preferred WiFi network and in terminal press Ctrl+C. Now copy the BSSID corresponding to your selected WiFi network. (I am chosing PTCL-BB-z and so it's corresponding BSSID is C8:3A:35:3C:EE:39). 
Now enter the following in the Terminal:
reaver -i mon0 -b (your bssid) -vv
 Press Enter. Hacking will start. Reaver will send PIN number to your router. The router will accept only correct PIN (it's located at the back of your router) and will then send the WiFi passkey to the Reaver as WPA PSK (in terminal). You have to copy the numbers after the PSK and this is your password. This process can take couple of hours. So make sure you are a hobbyist!

Fixing Reaver's "Failed to Associate ESSID" on Ubuntu 14.04+

My negligence, I was able to reproduce this error on Trusty Tahr and above versions. The error is caused because of some libraries which have been updated to newer version and Reaver doesn't supports them. However, this error is not due to the kernel and can be easily fixed by downgrading those libraries to the version Reaver actually supports. Follow the steps below. The below command lines are for 64-bit PC, so if you have 32-bit PC please replace amd64 with i386. Alright then.....

Reaver, known for its ability to hack WPS WiFi connections, produced sever bug i.e. "Failed to Associate with ESSID (null)" on Ubuntu 14.04 and onward making it impossible to be used for penetration testing.
However, this error has finally been fixed and was due to incompatible new libraries that were came installed with Trusty Tahr and was not due to new kernel.
Thus, this error can be finally fixed by just downgrading the new libraries to the version Reaver actually supports. Please note that any software that relies on those new libraries will not work after the downgrade. I faced no system errors after downgrading and everything is running smoothly as before!
I'll split this post into two parts, one for 64-bit PC's (amd64) and other for 32-bit PC's (i386).

For amd64 PC's...

Firstly, we need to download the libraries that have to be downloaded. To achieve this, fire up terminal and execute the following command:
After the libraries are downloaded, execute the following command to commence downgrade and installation:
sudo dpkg -i libpcap0.8_1.4.0-2_amd64.deb libpcap0.8-dev_1.4.0-2_amd64.deb
Fixed! Enjoy reaver and hacking!

For i386 PC's...

Fire up terminal and execute the following command. This will download the downgraded libraries.
After download, execute the following command to commence installation:
sudo dpkg -i libpcap0.8_1.4.0-2_i386.deb libpcap0.8-dev_1.4.0-2_i386.deb

Fixed to always switching channel error:
reaver -i mon0 -b 14:D6:4D:24:77:8E -a -S -N -c 11 -vv
11 is channel number
Source from :

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